Right to Information

    Updated On 1st April, 2024
  • Particulars of the Organization, Objective, Powers & Function and Vison & Mission Please click here
    Information pertaining to Institute PIO & 1st Appellate Authority click here
  • Vision
    To be an Institute of Excellence in Information and Communication Technology
  • Mission
    1. To make innovation an integral part of the teaching process
    2. To be a leader in research and development
    3. To become a catalyst for the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry in the state of Assam
    4. To create leaders in ICT
    5. To create intellectual property and to transfer such property to industry
  • Key Objectives:
    1. to emerge amongst the foremost institutions in information technology and allied fields of knowledge in the global context;
    2. to advance new knowledge and innovation in information technology and allied fields to empower the nation to the forefront in the global context;
    3. to develop competent and capable youth imbued with the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship with the social and environmental orientation to meet the knowledge needs of the country and provide global leadership in information technology and allied fields;
    4. to promote and provide transparency of highest order in matters of admission, appointment to various positions, academic evaluation, administration and finance.
  • Indian Institute of Information Technology Guwahati (IIITG) is an institution of National Importance under an Act of Parliament (THE INDIAN INSTITUTES OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP) ACT, 2017). It offers B.Tech courses in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) and Computer Science Engineering (CSE), M.Tech courses in CSE and ECE and runs PhD programmes in ECE, CSE, Mathematics, and Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS). IIITG started operations in August 2013 with B.Tech programmes in CSE and ECE.
    Appointment of HoDs
    Internal Committee
    Institute Grievance Committee
  • Powers and duties of the officers and employees of the Institute Please click here IIIT PPP Act
  • Final decision making authority:
    For routine matters, the final decision making authority lies with the Director. However, some of the powers of the Director are delegated to other functionaries.Click here for Office order For Academic matters, the final decision making authority lies with the Director as the Chairman, Senate. For policy matters, Director may approach the Board of Governors for a final decision.
  • Time limit for taking a decision Routine matters are decided within 3 days. Other matters, including policy decisions, need a little longer as it needs the approval of Board of Governors.
  • The channel of supervision and accountability lies as per the organizational chart Click here
  • The norms set by it for the discharge of the functions: Website link-
    1. Ordinances
    2. Code of Conduct for Students
    4. Statutes
    5. MOU with Industry Partners
  • Based on the different courses, the time-limit for achieving targets are different. For B.Tech, it is 4 years; for M.Tech, 2 years and for PhD, the minimum duration is 2 years and the maximum duration is 6 years for a full-time student and 8 years for a part-time student.
    Further, for different academic activities, the time limits are as per the Academic Calendar.Click here
  • The Institute has a Grievance Redressal Mechanism. The procedure is to send complaints to Chairman, Grievance Cell, IIIT Guwahati (grievance@iiitg.ac.in). If complainants fail to get redress to grievances from IIIT Guwahati, they can approach Directorate of Pubic Grievances (DPG) at https://dpg.gov.in for redress of their grievances.For the constitution of the Committee Click here
  • The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control: Website link- IIIT PPP Act 2017 IIIT Statutes
  • Transfer policy and transfer orders: The IIITs are autonomous in nature and there is no provision of transfer amongst them. However, there is provision of internal transfer of the staff in our Institute. For the last transfer order. Click here
  • Categories of documents held by the authority under its control:
    1. Administration
    2. Academics
    3. Students Affairs
    4. Project related
    5. Financial
    6. MoUs
    7. Establishment and Works
    The Registrar is the custodian of the documents (email: registrar@iiitg.ac.in).
  • Composition of the Board Members: Click here
  • The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof: Public can meet the Director/Registrar and consult with them in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof.
  • Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies constituted as part of IIIT Guwahati:
    Name of the Board / CommitteeDate from which constituted
    Board of Governors30th April 2014
    Senate18th August 2014
    Building and Works Committee19th September 2017
    Finance Committee23rd February 2015

    For the composition of the Board and other Committees click here

    Term / Tenure:

    BoG:- Except the ex-officio members, the term of the members are 3 years or till they hold the position from which they are appointed.

    Senate:- Except the ex-officio members, the term of the members are 2 years or till they hold the position from which they are appointed.

    Finance Committee:- Except the ex-officio members, the term of the members are 3 years or till they hold the position from which they are appointed.

    Building and Works Committee:- Except the ex-officio members, the term of the members are 3 years or till they hold the position from which they are appointed.

    The powers and functions of the above are as per IIIT (PPP) Act of 2017 Click here
    The minutes of the BoG meetings are available here, Minutes of BWC meetings are here, Minutes of Finance Committee meetings are here.
  • The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees including the system of compensation as provided by regulation of the Institute: Please click here
    Apart from the monthly remuneration the following other benefits are provided for faculty and staff;
    1. Medical reimbursement facility is provided to staff and faculty for OPD (limited to ₹17,250/- per annum, medical rules attached for perusal).

    2. Mediclaim facility for hospitalization with a coverage of ₹2,00,000/- (Rupees Two lakhs) per Annum for both employees and dependent family members. There is a provision for top-up coverage also.

    3. Quarter facility in campus provided to the faculty members.

  • The budget allocation to each of its agency including the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditure and reports of disbursements made: Please
  • The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and details of beneficiaries of such programmes: Not Applicable
  • Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations granted by it: Not Applicable
  • Details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form: Please click here
  • The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use: Information may be obtained by writing an application or by filing an RTI. Institute Library is open during office hours from 9.00 am to 5.00 p.m but it is meant for only the faculty members, students and staff of the Institute. Special permission may be obtained for use by others from the library authority.
  • The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officer: Mr. U. C. Das,
    Registrar, IIIT Guwahati
    Email: registrar@iiitg.ac.in
    Phone: 9864010107
  • No. Of employees against whom Disciplinary action has been proposed/ taken (Section 4(2)):
    1. Pending for Minor penalty or major penalty proceedings: NIL
    2. Finalised for Minor penalty or major penalty proceedings: NIL
  • Programmes to advance understanding of RTI:

    RTI sessions are organized during orientation of the students and staff. Staff on their joining the Institute are given a full day lesson about RTI on by the Administration. For the Heads of the sections who are pivotal in framing RTI replies, internal trainings are arranged.

    IIIT Guwahati is updating and publishing guidelines and the PP presentations issued by the CIC and other concerned department to it’s employees on regular basis

    FAQs on RTI is available here.

    The Registrar, who is the CPIO/PIO, had undergone administrative training organized by NIEPA, in which he got training on RTI also as one of the subject.

  • Budget and Programme:

    Total budget: ₹17,31,50,000.00/-

    Budget for each agency and plan & programmes Click here

    Annual Reports Click here

  • Foreign and domestic tours:There is no separate budget but met out from the general budget.No official tour was undertaken during the period.
  • CAG & PAC paras [F No. 1/6/2011- IR dt. 15.4.2013]: Annual Accounts 2019-2020 Annual Accounts 2020-2021 Annual Accounts 2021-2022 Annual Accounts 2022-2023
  • List of materials available free of cost: Annual Reports, Minutes, Ordinances, Tenders, Recruitment Notifications. Materials available free of cost can be obtained in preferred medium by paying reasonable fees as applicable.
  • List of schemes/ projects/ programmes: Available in Annual Reports Click here
  • Detailed Project Report (DPR): Please Click here
  • Details of all contracts: Please Click here
  • Receipt & Disposal of RTI applications & appeals:

    Details of RTI Application:

    Sr. No.Name of the ApplicantReceived onReplied onRemarks
    1Mr. Suraj Nath16/06/202220/06/2022Transferred by Ministry
    2Mr. Abhinav Sharma08/09/202213/09/2022
    3Mr. Shagun Goel01/11/202202/11/2022
    4Mr. Basant Kumar Mohanty07/03/202307/03/2023Transferred by Ministry
    No RTI appeal has been received till date.
  • Replies to questions asked in the Parliament:
    Sr. NoRS/LS QuestionBasic SubjectReceived onReplied onRemarks
    1LSSQ Dairy No. 2920Vacancies in Educational Institutions21/07/202221/07/2022Replies sent over email.
    2LSUSQ No. 3027 for 20.03.2023Vacancies in Chairperson and other posts in the governing body15/03/202315/03/2023
    3LSUSQ No. 3126 for 20.03.2023Suicide by SC/ST students15/03/202315/03/2023
    4RSSQ No. S3578 for 29.03.2023Setting up of a woman cells in higher educational institutions23/03/202323/03/2023
    5RSUQ No. 3214 for 29.03.2023Students admitted report28/03/202328/03/2023
  • Information as may be prescribed:
    1. Details of current and earlier CPIOs & FAAs
      • Current CPIO : Mr. U. C. Das, Registrar, IIIT Guwahati

        Previous FAA : Prof. Gautam Barua, Director, IIIT Guwahati (From June 2013 to 14th April 2024)

        Current FAA In-charge : Prof. Sarat Kumar Patra, Director, IIIT Guwahati (15/04/2024 onwards)

      • Earlier CPIO : Dr. B. N. Raychoudhury, former Registrar, IIIT Guwahati(from 10.09.2015 to 30.09.2020)
    2. Appointment of Nodal Officer Click here
    3. Consultancy committee of key stake holders for advice on suo-motu disclosure Click here
    4. Committee of PIOs/FAAs with rich experience in RTI to identify frequently sought information under RTI Click here
  • Audited Report: Please Click here