Hello, welcome to my home page. I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Science and Mathematics at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Guwahati. I joined IIITG in August, 2023. Previously, I was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Mathematics at IIT Bombay (March 30, 2022- August 10, 2023). Prior to that, I was a Research Associate at ISI Kolkata. I completed my PhD in Mathematics from IIT Bhilai in 2022. I did my MSc in Mathematics and Computing from IIT Hyderabad in 2018. The link for my personal webpage is https://sites.google.com/view/mostafizarkhandakar.
Research Interests
- Probability Theory
- Subordinated Stochastic Processes,
- Statistics.
- Khandakar, M. and Kataria, K. K, "Some compound fractional Poisson processes", Fractal and Fractional,7(1), (2023), pages. 15,
- Kataria, K. K. and Khandakar, M, "Generalized fractional counting process", Journal of Theoretical Probability,35(4), (2022), pages. 2784-2805,
- Kataria, K. K. and Khandakar, M, "Skellam and time-changed variants of the generalized fractional counting process", Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis. An International Journal for Theory and Applications,25(5), (2022), pages. 1873-1907,
- Kataria, K. K. and Khandakar, M, "Extended eigenvalue-eigenvector method", Statistics \& Probability Letters,183, (2022), pages. 109361, 9,
- Kataria, K. K. and Khandakar, M, "Time-changed space-time fractional Poisson process", Stochastic Analysis and Applications,40(2), (2022), pages. 246-267,
- Kataria, K. K. and Khandakar, M, "On the long-range dependence of mixed fractional Poisson process", Journal of Theoretical Probability,34(3), (2021), pages. 1607-1622,
- Kataria, K. K. and Khandakar, M, "Mixed fractional risk process", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,504(1), (2021), pages. 125379,
- Kataria, K. K. and Khandakar, M, "Convoluted fractional Poisson process", ALEA. Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics,18(2), (2021), pages. 1241-1265,