I am currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at IIIT, Guwahati, a position I have held since January 2024. Prior to this, I served as an Assistant Professor at the XIM University, Bhubaneswar for two years. I did B.Com and M.Com with a specialization in Accounting and Finance from Gauhati University and I am a recipient of the UGC's Junior Research Fellowship in Commerce (NET-JRF). I completed Ph.D. in Finance in 2022 from the Department of Commerce at North Eastern Hill University, Shillong.
I am keen on exploring research gaps and new methodological approaches in the area of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices at corporate and country level, corporate disclosure practices, corporate governance, corporate value-creation strategies, financial performance, green finance and intellectual capital. I have published several research papers in esteemed national and international journals indexed in Scopus, ESCI, ABDC and ABS lists. Additionally, I serve as a reviewer for some journals of internationally repute.
Research Interests
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - Environmental, Social and Governance Practices,
Green Finance and its Ecological Impact.
Corporate Governance- board gender diversity, business group affiliations, family ownership, and board human capital.
Knowledge-Based-Economy-Intellectual Capital
Chapter in Edited Book
Saha, R., & Kabra, K. C. (2020). Internal Corporate Governance Attributes and Firm Value: Indian Evidence, New Paradigm in Business Management Practices, Amazon Publishers, Vol. 3, 153-164 (ISBN- 979-8-579-38928-2).
Saha, R., & Kabra, K. C. (2023). What determines Firms’ Behaviour of Making Voluntary Disclosure?
Behavioral Finance and Investment Strategies, New Century Publication,
Google Scholar Link
- Saha, R. and Maji, S.G. , "Do green bonds reduce CO2 emissions? Evidence from developed and developing nations", International Journal of Emerging Markets, (2023), Emerald Publishing
- Saha, R. , "Corporate governance, voluntary disclosure and firm valuation relationship: evidence from top listed Indian firms", Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, (2023), Emerald Publishing
- Saha, R. , "The impact of board-level female directors on firm performance: evidence from India", Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, (2023), Emerald Publishing
- Maji, S.G. and Saha, R. , "Does intellectual capital influence banks' efficiency? Evidence from India using panel data tobit model", Managerial Finance, (2023), Emerald Publishing
- Maji, S.G. and Saha, R. , "Female directors and firms’ financial performance: an empirical application of Kanter’s theory in the Indian context", Corporate Governance, (2023), Emerald Publishing
- Saha, R., & Maji, S. G. , "Impact of Board’s Educational Diversity on Firm Performance: Evidence from Top Listed Indian Companies", IUP Journal of Corporate Governance, (2023), IUP Publications
- Saha, R., & Maji, S. G. , "Board Gender Diversity and Firm Performance: Evidence from Family-Owned Firms in India", Indonesian Journal of Sustainability Accounting and Management, (2022), Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia
- Saha, R. & Maji, S. G. , "Board human capital diversity and firm performance: evidence from top listed Indian firms", Journal of Indian Business Research, (2022), Emerald Publishing
- Saha, R., & Kabra, K. C. , "Corporate Governance and Voluntary Disclosure: Evidence from India", Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting, (2021), Emerald Publishing
- Maji, S. G., & Saha, R. , "Gender diversity and financial performance in an emerging economy: empirical evidence from India", Management Research Review, (2021), Emerald Publishing
- Saha, R., & Kabra, K. C. , "Is Voluntary Disclosure Value Relevant? Evidence from Top Listed Firms in India", Vision, (2021), Sage Publication
- Saha, R., & Kabra, K. C. , "Corporate Governance and Voluntary Disclosure: A Synthesis of Empirical Studies.", Business Perspective and Research, (2020), Sage Publication
- Saha, R., & Kabra, K. C. , "Does corporate governance influence firm performance? Evidence from India.", Economics and Business Review, (2019), University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business(SEB LU).
- Saha, R., & Kabra, K. C. , "Does Corporate Governance Influence Voluntary Disclosure? Evidence from India.", Indonesian Journal of Sustainability Accounting and Management, (2019), Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia
- Saha, R., & Kabra, K. C. , "The Value Relevance of Corporate Voluntary Disclosure: Evidence from India.", IUP Journal of Accounting Research & Audit Practices, (2019), IUP Publications
- Saha, R., & Kabra, "Are Companies Rewarded for More Voluntary Disclosure? Evidence from Literature", https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=2851434799587697708&hl=en&oi=scholarr, (2018), PACIFIC INST MANAGEMENT
- Saha, R., & Kabra, K. C. , "Corporate Governance and Firm Value: Review of Research in view of Major Reforms in India", Research Bulletin, (2018), The Institute of Cost Accountants of India