Dance Club



The Dance Club of IIIT Guwahati is a dynamic hub of creativity and talent, serving as a vibrant platform for dance enthusiasts to showcase their passion. From festival performances like Bihu and Dandiya to celebrations of Independence Day and Republic Day, the club captivates audiences with their splendid routines. Flash mobs surprise the campus with synchronised moves and catchy tunes, leaving a lasting impression. The club shines at college fests, setting the stage ablaze with their captivating performances. Encouraging individual growth, they organise group and solo competitions, allowing dancers to showcase their skills and earn recognition. The club's dedication extends to YouTube, where they create entertaining and informative dance videos, and Instagram, where they engage with the audience through captivating reels. Regular dance sessions foster skill development and a community of growth. The Dance Club of IIIT Guwahati has truly become a vibrant platform for dance enthusiasts, showcasing their passion, talent, and creativity to the entire campus and beyond.