Dr. Ferdous Ahmed Barbhuiya is a Professor at the Indian Institute of Information Technology Guwahati, in the department of Computer Science & Engineering. He is also the Dean of Administration at IIIT Guwahati.
He has received his BE from Jorhat Engineering College under Dibrugarh University followed by MTech. as well as PhD. degree from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati, all in Computer Science and Engineering. Prior to PhD, he has worked as a Lead Engineer in GlobalLogic, a Software Product Engineering Company. He has also worked as a Scientific officer at IIT Guwahati from 2002 to 2007.
He has implemented several research projects funded by Govt. as well as Corporate agencies. Beyond academics and research, he is also active in consulting services for Industry and Govt. departments including law enforcement agencies.
Research Interests
Research Projects
- LogIT : A federated Learning and Fog computing based framework for IOT security (Ongoing)
- Design and Innovation Centre Spoke for “Internet of Things” funded by MHRD (Ongoing)
- A Secure and Scalable Inter-cloud Authorisation framework for Resource Sharing in Cloud Environment, funded by SERB, DST(Completed)
- Periocular Biometrics on AR/VR Devices, funded by IBM IRL. (Completed)
Consultancy Project
Teaching This Semester
- Topics in Cloud Computing
Taught Earlier
- Introduction to Big Data Processing
- Cloud Computing
- Data Management
- Computer Network and Security
- Computer Network
- Object Oriented Programming with Java
- Software Engineering
- Computer Programming
- Arup Baruah, Lakhamti Wahlang, Firstbornson Jyrwa, Floriginia Shadap, Ferdous Barbhuiya, Kuntal Dey, "Abusive Language Detection in Khasi Social Media Comments", ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, (2024), ACM
- Mehbub Alam, Nurzaman Ahmed, Shyamal Ghosh, Rakesh Matam, Ferdous Ahmed Barbhuiya, "OptiFog: A Framework for Acquiring State Information and Predicting Resource Availability for Task Offloading in Cooperative Fog-Networks", IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, (2024), IEEE
- Mehbub Alam, Nurzaman Ahmed, Rakesh Matam, Ferdous Ahmed Barbhuiya, "Analysing the suitability of IEEE 802.11 ah for next generation Internet of Things: A comparative study", Ad Hoc Networks,vol 156, (2024), pages. 103437, Elsevier
- Seema Nagar, Kalyani Naik, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, Kuntal Dey, "Exploring the prevalence of homophily among classes of hate speech", Social Network Analysis and Mining,Vol 14, Issue 1, (2024), pages. 138, Springer
- Chandan Kumar, Richa Sharma, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, "RMA-CPABE: A multi-authority CPABE scheme with reduced ciphertext size for IoT devices", Future Generation Computer Systems,Vol 138, (2023), pages. 226-242,
- Seema Nagar, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, Kuntal Dey, "Towards more robust hate speech detection: using social context and user data", Social Network Analysis and Mining,Vol 13, Issue 1, (2023), pages. 47,
- Mehbub Alam, Nurzaman Ahmed, Rakesh Matam, Mithun Mukherjee, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, "SDN-based Re-configurable Edge Network Architecture for Industrial Internet of Things", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, (2023),
- Nazatul H. Sultan, Vijay Varadharajan, Lan Zhou and Ferdous A. Barbhuiya, "A Role-Based Encryption (RBE) Scheme for Securing Outsourced Cloud Data in a Multi-Organization Context", IEEE Transactions on Services Computing,vol 16 no 3, (2023), pages. 1647-1661, IEEE
- Nurzaman Ahmed, Debasish De, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, Mumammad I Hussain, ""MAC Protocols for IEEE 802.11 ah-based Internet of Things: A Survey"", Internet of Things Journal,Vol 9, Issue 2, (2022), pages. 916-938,
- Nazatul Haque Sultan,Nesrine Kaaniche, Maryline Laurent, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, "Authorized Keyword Search over Outsourced Encrypted Data in Cloud Environment", IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC),Vol 10, issue 1, (2022), pages. 216-233, IEEE
- Mehbub Alam, Nurzaman Ahmed, Rakesh Matam, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, "IEEE 802.11ah-Enabled Internet-of-Drone Architecture", IEEE Internet of Things Magazine,Vol 5, Issue 1, (2022), pages. 174-178,
- Richa Sharma, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, "A secure and efficient access control scheme with attribute revocation and merging capabilities for fog-enabled IoT", Computers and Electrical Engineering,Vol 104, (2022), pages. 108449,
- Richa Sarma, Chandan Kumar, Ferdous Ahmed Barbhuiya, "MACFI: A multi-authority access control scheme with efficient ciphertext and secret key size for fog-enhanced IoT", Journal of Systems Architecture,vol 123, (2022), pages. 102347, Elsevier
- Richa Sharma, Chandan Kumar, Ferdous A Barbhuiya,, ""PAC-FIT: An efficient privacy preserving access control scheme for fog-enabled IoT"", Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems(SUSCOM),Vol 30, (2021), pages. 100527,
- Nazatul Haque Sultan, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, Maryline Laurent,, ""ICAuth: A Secure and Scalable Owner Delegated Inter-Cloud Authorization"", Future Generation Computer Systems,Vol 88, (2018), pages. 319-332,
- Karan Ahuja, Rahul Islam, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, Kuntal Dey, ""CNNs for Ocular Smartphone-Based Biometrics"", Pattern Recognition Letters,Vol 91, (2017), pages. 17-26,
- Ferdous A Barbhuiya, Mayank Agarwal, Sanketh Purwar, Santosh Biswas and Sukumar Nandi , "" Application of Stochastic Discrete Event System Framework for Detection of Induced Low Rate TCP Attack"", ISA Transactions,Vol 58, (2015), pages. 474-492,
- Ferdous A Barbhuiya, Santosh Biswas and Sukumar Nandi , ""An Active Host-Based Intrusion Detection System for ARP-Related Attacks and its Verification"", International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications,volume 3, issue 3, (0),
- Suchetana Chakraborty, Ankush Rai, Ferdous Barbhuiya, Arijit Sur, Santosh Biswas and Sukumar Nandi, "" Topology Adaptive Computation of Distributed IDS Set for Detecting Attacks on STP "", Journal of Information Assurance and Security,vol 7, issue 4, (0), pages. 284-295,
- Mehbub Alam, Nurzaman Ahmed, Rakesh Matam, Ferdous Ahmed Barbhuiya, "RedgeX: Meta-Learning based Optimal Analytical Model for Programmable Edge Intelligence", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), (2024), pages. 1-6, IEEE
- Mehbub Alam, Rakesh Matam, Ferdous Ahmed Barbhuiya, "OptFog: Optimized Mobility-Aware Task Offloading and Migration Model for Fog Networks", International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS), (2023), pages. 539-544, IEEE
- Mehbub Alam, Nurzaman Ahmed, Rakesh Matam,Ferdous A Barbhuiya, "L3Fog: Fog Node Selection and Task Offloading Framework for Mobile IoT", IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), (2022), pages. 1-6, IEEE
- Seema Nagar, Achintya Shankhdhar, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, K Dey, ""Affect Classification in Tweets using Multitask Deep Neural Networks"", ACM Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference (WWW 2021), (2021), ACM
- Amartya Dutta, Rajat K Bhattacharjee, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, ""Efficient Detection of Lesions during Endoscopy"", EEE International Conference on Patter Recognition (ICPR) workshop and challenges (ICPR 2021),, (2021), IEEE
- M Alam, N Ahmed, R Matam, FA Barbhuiya, "iofog: Prediction-based fog computing architecture for offline iot", IEEE international conference on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC 2021), (2021), pages. 1387-1392, IEEE
- Saurabh Chamotra, Ferdous A Barbhuiya , ""Analysis and Modelling of Multi-stage Attacks"", IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom 2020), (2020), IEEE
- Richa Sharma, Chandan Kumar, Ferdous A. Barbhuiya, ""ACS-FIT: A Secure and Efficient Access Control Scheme for Fog-enabled IoT"", 2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2020), (2020), pages. 2782-2789, IEEE
- Mohit Vashistha, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, ""Document Management System using Blockchain and Inter Planetary File System"", International Symposium on Blockchain and Secure Critical Infrastructure(BSCI 2020), (2020), ACM
- Arup Baruah, Kaushik A Das, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, Kuntal Dey, ""Aggression Identification in English, Hindi and Bangla Text using BERT, RoBERTa and SVM"", Workshop on Figurative Language Processing(FigLang 2020), (2020), ACL
- Arup Baruah, Kaushik A Das, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, "Aggression Identification in English, Hindi and Bangla Text using BERT, RoBERTa and SVM"", Workshop on Trolling, Aggression and Cyberbullying(TRAC@LERC 2020), (2020), LERC
- Meghali Nandi, Rajat Kanti Bhattacharjee, Amrit Jha, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, ""A secured land registration framework on Blockchain"", Third ISEA Conference on Security and Privacy (ISEA-ISAP 2020), (2020), IEEE
- Kaushik A Das, Arup Baruah, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, Kuntal Dey, ""Ensemble of ELECTRA for Profiling Fake News Spreaders"", Eleventh Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, (CLEF 2020), (2020), CLEF
- Arup Baruah, Kaushik A Das, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, Kuntal Dey , ""Automatic Detection of Fake News Spreaders Using BERT"", Eleventh Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, (CLEF 2020), (2020), CLEF
- Palak Kapoor, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, "“Cloud Based Weather Station using IoT Devices”", IEEE Tencon, (2019), IEEE
- Syed Saud Hasan, Nazatul H Sultan, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, ""Cloud Data Provenance using IPFS and Blockchain Technology"", Seventh International Workshop on Security in Cloud Computing(SCC 2019), (2019), ACM
- Amrit Jha, Rajat Kanti Bhattacharjee, Meghali Nandi, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, ""A Framework for Maintaining Citizenship Record on Blockchain"", International Symposium on Blockchain and Secure Critical Infrastructure(BSCI 2019), (2019), ACM
- Mohit Vashistha, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, ""Blockchain in Smart Power Grid Infrastructure"", International Symposium on Blockchain and Secure Critical Infrastructure(BSCI 2019), (2019), ACM
- Arup Baruah, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, Kuntal Dey, "“Bi-directional LSTM for Hate Speech Detection"", International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation(SemEval 2019), (2019), ACL
- Nazatul H Sultan, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, Nityananda Sarma, ""A Universal Cloud User Revocation Scheme With Key-Escrow Resistance for Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Access Control"", International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN 2017), (2017), ACM
- Nazatul H Sultan, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, Nityananda Sarma, ""SCAuth:Selective User Authorization for a Cloud Environment"", IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing in Emerging Markets (CCEM) 2017, (2017), IEEE
- Karan Ahuja, Anubhav Pandey, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, Seema Nagar, Kuntal Dey, "“SmallStore: A Region-of-Interest Based Adaptive System for Compressing Human Face Videos”", IEEE Tencon 2017, (2017), IEEE
- Utkarsh Dwivedi, Karan Ahuja, Rahul Islam, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, Seema Nagar, Kuntal Dey,, "“EyamKayo: Interactive Gaze and Facial Expression Captcha”", International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces Companion (IUI) 2017, (2017), ACM
- Karan Ahuja, Rahul Islam, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, Kuntal Dey, ""A Preliminary Study of CNNs for Iris and Periocular Verification in the Visible Spectrum"", International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 2016, (2016), IEEE
- Karan Ahuja, Ruchika Banerjee, Kuntal Dey, Seema Nagar, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, "“Eye Center Localization and Detection using Radial Mapping”", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), (2016), IEEE
- Karan Ahuja, Abhishek Bose, Kuntal Dey, Seema Nagar, Ferdous A Barbhuiya,, "“ISure: User Authentication in Mobile devices using Ocular biometrics in visible spectrum”", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) Challenge Session, (2016), IEEE
- Nazatul Sultan, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, "“A Secure Re-encryption Scheme for Data Sharing in Unreliable Cloud Environment”", IEEE World Congress on Services, (2016), IEEE
- Nazatul Sultan, F A Barbhuiya, N Sarma, ""PairVoting: A Secure Online Voting Scheme Using Pairing-Based Cryptography and Fuzzy Extractor"", IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS), (2015),
- Ferdous A. Barbhuiya, Tonmoy Saikia, S Nandi, "" An Anomaly Based Approach for HID Attack Detection using Keystroke Dynamics"", The 4th International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security (CSS 2012), (2012), pages. 139-152, (LNCS)
- Tonmoy Saikia, Ferdous A. Barbhuiya, S Nandi, "A Behaviour based Framework for Worm Detection", 2nd International Conference on Communication, Computing & Security (ICCCS-2012), (2012), pages. 1011-1018, (Elsevier)
- Ferdous A. Barbhuiya, Vaibhav Gupta, S Biswas, S Nandi, "Detection and Mitigation of Induced Low Rate TCP-Targeted Denial of Service Attack", IEEE Sixth International Conference on Software Security and Reliability (SERE 2012), (2012), pages. 291-300, (IEEE)
- Naga Samineni, Ferdous Barbhuiya, Sukumar Nandi, "Stealth and Semi-Stealth MITM Attacks, Detection and Defense in IPv4 Networks", The Second IEEE International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC-2012), (2012), pages. 364-367, (IEEE)
- Vikas Kumar, Sandip Chakraborty, Ferdous Barbhuiya, Sukumar Nandi, "Detection of Stealth Man-In-The-Middle Attack in Wireless LAN", The Second IEEE International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC-2012), (2012), pages. 290-295, (IEEE)
- Chinmaya Patanaik, Ferdous A. Barbhuiya, S Nandi, "Obfuscated Malware Detection Using API Call Dependency", International Conference on Security of Internet of Things (SecurIT 2012), (2012), pages. 185-193, (ACM) (Received Best Poster Award)
- Ajeet P Singh, Swapnil M Potey, Ferdous A. Barbhuiya, S Nandi, "A Scalable and Secure Key Distribution Mechanism for Multicast Networks", International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACC 2012), (2012), pages. 211-214, (IEEE)
- Shilpa Budhkar, Anshita Mishra, Ferdous Barbhuiya and Sukumar Nandi, "Security In Mobile Agent Systems With Locator Mechanism", Recent Advances on Information Technology (RAIT 2012), (2012), pages. 124-130, (IEEE)
- Ferdous A. Barbhuiya, S Biswas, S Nandi , ""Detection of Neighbor Solicitation and Advertisement Spoofing in IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol"", International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN 2011), (2011), pages. 111-118, (ACM Press) Core Rank C
- Ferdous A Barbhuiya, Santosh Biswas, Neminath Hubballi, Sukumar Nandi, "A Host Based DES Approach for Detecting ARP Spoofing", IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Cyber Security, (2011), pages. 114-121, (IEEE) Core Rank C
- Ferdous A. Barbhuiya, N Hubballi and S Biswas and S Nandi , "Completeness of LAN Attack Detection using Discrete Event Systems", The Fourth International Conference on Network Security & Applications (CNSA 2011), (2011), pages. 131-139, (CCIS)
- Ankush Rai, Ferdous Barbhuiya, Arijit Sur, Santosh Biswas, Suchetana Chakraborty and Sukumar Nandi, "Exploit Detection Techniques for STP using Distributed IDS", World Congress on Information and Communication Technology (WICT 2011), (2011), pages. 939-944, (IEEE)
- G. Bansal, N Kumar, F.A. Barbhuiya, S Biswas , "Scalable Implementation of Active Detection Mechanism for LAN based Attacks", The Fourth International Conference on Network Security & Applications (CNSA 2011), (2011), pages. 258-267, (CCIS)
- Shivendra Katiyar, Kullai Reddy Meka, Ferdous A. Barbhuiya and Sukumar Nandi, "Online Voting System Powered by Biometric Security Using Steganography", in International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT 2011), (2011), pages. 288-191, (IEEE)
- Soumyadeep Dastidar, Subhrangsu Mandal, Ferdous Barbhuiya and Sukumar Nandi, "Detecting Metamorphic Virus using Hidden Markov Model and Genetic Algorithm", Soft Computing for problem Solving (SocPros 2011), (2011), pages. 305-315, (CCIS) (Received Best Paper Award)
- Sandip Chakraborty, Soumyadip Majumder, Ferdous A. Barbhuiya and Sukumar Nandi,, "A Scalable Rekeying Scheme for Secure Multicast in IEEE 802.16 Network", the Second International Conference on Network & Communications Security, January 2011 (NCS 2010), (2011), pages. 472-481, (CCIS)
- Ferdous A. Barbhuiya, Roopa. S, Ritesh. R, Neminath Hubballi, Santosh Biswas, Sukumar Nandi, Arijit Sur, Vivek Ramachandran, "An Active Host-based Detection Mechanism for LAN Attacks", 2nd International Conference on Networks & Communications Security, Bangalore, India pages (NCS 2010), (2010), pages. 432-443, (CCIS)
- Ferdous A. Barbhuiya, Roopa. S, Ritesh. R, Neminath Hubballi, Santosh Biswas, Sukumar Nandi, Arijit Sur, Vivek Ramachandran, "An Active Host-based Detection Mechanism for LAN Attacks", 2nd International Conference on Networks & Communications Security, Bangalore, India (NCS 2010), (2010), pages. 432-443, (CCIS)
- Neminath Hubballi, Santosh Biswas, Roopa S, Ritesh R, F A Barbhuiya, Sukumar Nandi, "A Discrete Event System Approach to Intrusion Detection System for LAN Attacks", 18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2010), (2010), pages. 695-700, (IEEE)
- Prithu Banerjee, Mahasweta Mitra, Ferdous Barbhuiya, Sandip Chakraborty, Sukumar Nandi, "“An Efficient Decentralized Rekeying Scheme to Secure Hierarchical Geographic Multicast Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks”", International Conference on Information Systems Security(ICISS 2011), (0), pages. 294-308, (LNCS) Core Rank B
- Neminath Hubballi, Roopa S, Ritesh R, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, Santosh Biswas, Sukumar Nandi, Arijit Sur, Vivek Ramachandran, "An Active Intrusion Detection for LAN Specific Attacks", 4th International Conference on Information Security and Assurance (ISA 2010), (0), pages. 129-142, (LNCS) Core Rank C
- Sangeeta Kakati, Mehbub Alam, Rakesh Matam, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, Mithun Mukherjee, "Mobility-aware Task Offloading in Fog-Assisted Networks", IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2022), (0), pages. 2897-2902, IEEE